
✨️ Valuables

such as useful hacks, unexpected insights, inspiring stories and helpful links produced by the community

Pavan Kumar (DocMySol)

12/10/2023, 11:05:00 AM

A blog on transitioning from web development to blockchain - https://blogs.pavankp.dev/web-development-to-blockchain

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Arthur Sabirzyanov (TNBT)

12/7/2023, 1:25:00 PM

If you find out what the person really wants, then it will be easier for you to negotiate with him.

🔥 Insight

Farhan H (SelfTalk AI)

11/30/2023, 2:50:00 PM

Generate ideas by solving the problems you face in an industry you know. A bottom-up approach to finding a problem never creates long-lasting solutions. Temporary solutions bring temporary customers. An existing solution is never perfect. Compete. Iterate. Succeed.

🔥 Insight

Pavan Kumar (DocMySol)

11/24/2023, 6:40:00 AM

Cold DMs was one of the best things I did, they helped me with improving my vision and exposure.

🔥 Insight

Pavan Kumar (DocMySol)

11/24/2023, 6:40:00 AM

I was able to connect with a potential partner who taught me about thinking in terms of business, He said "Since your SaSS is just getting started, do not target the giants, target small to medium size startups, where you can iterate and build for many, instead of building for one big ain't. Think from your user shoe, to validate the idea, and ask yourself, does this fetch them any value, if yes, how? This would give a clear picture of how to research and improve my pitch"

🔥 Insight

Pavan Kumar (DocMySol)

11/18/2023, 4:05:00 PM

Think from your user shoe, to validate the idea, ask yourself, does this fetch them any value, if yes, how? This would give a clear picture on how to research and improve my pitch

🔥 Insight

Pavan Kumar (DocMySol)

11/18/2023, 4:03:00 PM

Since your SaSS is just getting started, do not target the gaints, target small to medium size startups, where you can iterate and build for many, instead of building for one big gaint.

🔥 Insight

Arthur Sabirzyanov (TNBT)

11/16/2023, 3:55:00 PM

Start building in public as early as possible. This way, you will get feedback that will help you make your product better and needed before it goes global.

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